About Sathyaa

Sathyaa’s profound journey along the spiritual path began in her early adulthood, and in 2012, a transformative encounter with Sri AmmaBhagavan marked the onset of significant life changes and miraculous experiences.

Embracing this profound inner transformation, Sathyaa has made multiple pilgrimages to India, dedicating herself to continuous study and growth under the guidance of Sri AmmaBhagavan.

Her story stands as a testament to the transformative power of spirituality guided by the Avatars of Enlightenment Sri AmmaBhagavan.

In 2021, another profound change unfolded as she started receiving activations and two distinct energy modalities from Divine Beings (Archangels and Ascended Masters), marking yet another significant chapter in her life.

For more than a decade, Sathyaa has consistently been aiding individuals in making life decisions, offering consultations, guidance, and transformative energy that enhances physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

She is also the author of three books on IHAM and PARAM (worldly needs and spiritual needs) available in both eBook and Paperback formats on Amazon.com

Book 1 – A collection of questions and answers to help fulfill IHAM (worldly needs) and PARAM (spiritual needs) by Sri Amma Bhagavan, Avatars of Enlightenment in India.
IHAM and PARAM (Worldly and Spiritual Needs)  Book 1
Book 2 – A collection of questions and answers to help fulfill IHAM (worldly needs) and PARAM (spiritual needs) by Sri Amma Bhagavan, Avatars of Enlightenment in India.
IHAM and PARAM (Worldly and Spiritual Needs)  Book 2
Book 3 – A collection of questions and answers to help fulfill IHAM (worldly needs) and PARAM (spiritual needs) by Sri Amma Bhagavan, Avatars of Enlightenment in India.
IHAM and PARAM (Worldly and Spiritual Needs)  Book 3

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